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Frederick Paul Landry

 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus replied, "Do not prevent him. There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me. For whoever is not against us is for us" (Mk. 9:38-43, 45, 47-48)

I recently recall a time when I was younger and in high school. I was having lunch with a group of friends who happened to be protestant. A question was asked of me: “Did I know the books of the bible?” One friend of mine started to spout off the books of the bible while the others chimed in. I sat there and listened because I did not know all the books of the bible, and then there was a feeling of anxiety because I knew what I had been taught in CCD and that there were 7 additional books. I hesitated and started naming the books. Of course, with a puzzled look on their faces, they began to chide me, stating that I did not know what I was talking about. Fueled with anger rather than embarrassment, I quickly started to defend my faith. I defended the fact that even though I did not know all of the books of the bible, I knew who My Lord and Savior was and that he sacrificed his life for my salvation. I realized then that I was defending Jesus and that he would be with me through the fight.

I am reminded of this time in life because Mark speaks about an encounter in which John tries to prevent those who were driving out demons in Jesus’ name but who may not be perceived as being with Jesus. Jesus reminds John that there is not one who performs a mighty deed in my name and speaks ill of me at the same time. I knew that speaking out on my faith in the name of Jesus was not of the same caliber as casting out demons in Jesus’ name. However, it was the same as being ostracized for having a different belief system from others and still proclaiming the good news of Jesus. I also like to remind myself that just as Jesus taught his disciples, it is in good faith that those who profess the name of Jesus with their whole heart shall not lose their reward when speaking the name of Jesus.

We, too, at times, have a hard time discerning who is or is not professing the good news in the name of Jesus. In these present times, with so many streams of media and communication, it can be rather daunting. However, the gospel also reflects on Jesus' teaching that if anyone causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for that person to lay judgment on themselves. "It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck and he be thrown into the sea than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. Be on your guard!" (Lk. 17:2-3). We can never know what is in a person's heart and mind when he or she gives comfort or words of faith to someone in Jesus’ name. We know that God provides us with the strength and courage to speak in his name, and if we are talking in righteousness and complete intent of speaking his glory, then we can not and will not be against him.


Frederick Paul Landry

Sacred Heart Council #32

State Deputy of Texas

Knights of Peter Claver Inc.

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