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Cynthia Morris
Cynthia Morris

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

“This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long.”


In today’s Gospel, Jesus is teaching the crowds by the water. Simon is tired. He is washing his nets, discouraged that he has been out all night without catching fish. Jesus instructs Simon to return his boat to the deep water and drop his net. Simon doubts that there will be a catch at this time of day. 


Yet, Simon obeys the Lord’s request, saying, “because you say so,” Lord, “I will let down the nets.” Amazed at the abundance of the catch, so much so that he calls for help from the nearby fishermen. 


Witnessing this miracle, Simon confesses his unworthiness and is transformed.  


Jesus tells Simon and the other fishermen, “Do not be afraid; from now on, you will be catching men.” Unsure what this means, they leave their boats and follow Jesus. 


"Pull out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” (Lk. 5:1-11)


I know what it feels like to put your trust in the unknown. 


I grew up in the Baptist tradition but attended St. Augustine Catholic Church (Washington, DC) for about five years. One Sunday, on my way out the door after Mass, a church member approached me and invited me to attend a weekend retreat: IMPAC (Improving My Personal Act with Christ). I was a little fearful about attending the weekend. Not knowing who would be attending nor what to expect, I quickly responded, “I’m not Catholic.” The response was, “that’s all the more reason why you should attend.”


Like Simon, I was initially doubtful but took a leap of faith and was obedient. Filled with nervous anxiety, I accepted the invitation to attend the retreat. IMPAC was a life-changing experience for me; it did exactly what the title proclaimed—it made an impact! The weekend retreat was where God wanted me to be; it transformed my relationship with Christ and my personal life. Soon after, I signed up for the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) classes and was confirmed as a Roman Catholic. 


Here's the twist. Right after my confirmation, I lost my job. My parish priest was on the board of Catholic Charities and recommended me for a position. Who would have thought that one year after I became a Roman Catholic, I would be working for a Catholic organization?  Five years later, a recommendation from another priest led me to a position at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. 


This community has and continues to pour into me. I have been blessed to have been shepherded and nurtured by an amazing group of faith-filled Black Catholic women and men.  Three women, Vivian R. Rouson, Jacqueline E. Wilson, and Beverly A. Carroll, were instrumental in my formation as a Black Catholic woman. 

Vivian R. Rouson
Vivian R. Rouson
Jacqueline E Wilson
Jacqueline E Wilson
Beverly  A Carroll
Beverly A Carroll

These wonderfully amazing Catholic women, grounded in their faith, guided me in navigating the unchartered waters to utilize the abundant gifts I have to share with the Church. 

Because of the nurturing given to me, I have had the joy of journeying with over twenty women and men into the Catholic faith, founding a Black Catholic women’s organization—Sisters in the Spirit—Archdiocese of Washington, working within the Catholic Church, and promoting Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA, for canonization.


Luke’s Gospel begins with Jesus teaching the crowds. We don’t know what was said, but Simon heard enough to believe that an abundance would be provided if he dropped his net into the deep water. 


If I had not accepted the invitation to “come and follow Jesus,” this would not have been my story. 


The Holy Father has proclaimed 2025 a Jubilee Year. This year’s theme is “Pilgrims of Hope.” During this Black History Month, look at the lives of the saintly seven. They dedicated their lives to responding to the call of Christ.  Despite difficult circumstances, they had hope.


Where would we be if it had not been for their steadfast witness of faith?


Sisters and brothers, Jesus said, “do not be afraid!” Step out into the deep waters, drop your nets, and expect the miraculous. The power of the Living God always goes before us. 


Author: Cynthia Morris is an active member of St. Augustine Catholic Church (Washington, DC).  She is the founder and founding president of Sisters in the Spirit – Archdiocese of Washington, past Prefect, St. Augustine Sodality, immediate past Grand Lady, Sister Thea Bowman 364 and immediate past Faithful Navigator, Sister Mary Antona Ebo 47. She is an Associate Member of the National Black Sisters Conference (NBSC).


Treasurer for the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), a Lector and Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist at the Basilica of the National Shrine, and volunteers at the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

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