27th Sunday of Ordinary Time
"And people were bringing children to him that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them." (Mk. 10:2-16)
How long must we be spectators watching a class of people obstinant in demonstrating superiority over another race? The recent images of a Texas ranger or Border Patrol agent on horseback reminded me of our history books' many hidden untold stories. In a recent article, "The Ugly History Behind Those Border Agents Chasing Haitian Migrants on Horseback," the author, Julia Craven, captured my sentiments. Carven said, "Images of the inhumane treatment ... evoked a plethora of emotion, with some (myself included) drawing parallels to how white men treated Black folks during enslavement and the Jim Crow era, not to mention current-day interactions with law enforcement by Black Americans and Black immigrants." Sadly, the U.S. detained the Haitian community in 2020 more than any other nationality.
For this reason, I am praying that the Holy Spirit will motivate all government officials who continue to allow this atrocity towards Black Americans and Black immigrants to have a meeting with Jesus. Imagine Jesus seeing the images we saw recently on national news. He would probably become indignant and say, "Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
How can our government officials experience the Kingdom of God or see the humanity in each person? Jesus said, "...whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." Our government officials need to meet Jesus to see that every child on this earth is a child of God. No one is better than the other. No culture is better than the other. Can you imagine what would happen if we mirror that same behavior that Jesus did in the last verse of our gospel, "... he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them"?
That is what this country must begin to do, embrace the immigrants and bless them. In other words, pray with them.
Would you mind reading these two excerpts, articles 129 and 141 from Pope Francis' encyclical FRATELLI TUTTI? His thoughts on our brothers and sisters living on the borders are wisdom for us today.
Article 129: Complex challenges arise when our neighbor happens to be an immigrant. [109] Ideally, unnecessary migration ought to be avoided; this entails creating in countries of origin the conditions needed for a dignified life and integral development. Yet until substantial progress is made in achieving this goal, we are obliged to respect the right of all individuals to find a place that meets their basic needs and those of their families, and where they can find personal fulfillment. Our response to the arrival of migrating persons can be summarized by four words: welcome, protect, promote and integrate.
Article 141: Immigrants are seen as usurpers who have nothing to offer. This leads to the simplistic belief that the poor are dangerous and useless, while the powerful are generous benefactors. Only a social and political culture that readily and "gratuitously" welcomes others will have a future."
Author: Evangelist Michael P. Howard, MACS