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Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

"An eyewitness has testified, and his testimony is true; he knows that he is speaking the truth, so that you also may come to believe." (Jn. 19:31-37)

Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Here we reflect on the boundless love that Jesus demonstrated on Calvary—hanging on a cross, with a bloody crown of thorns, nails in his hands and feet. Jesus is refusing to call angels to rescue him; He stayed on the cross. That is love from the heart. There are no words to describe the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus' love for all humanity. And since we have no words to define Jesus' love adequately, how can we demonstrate this profound love that Jesus has for you and me?

When peering closely at John's gospel for today, John gave me an answer. First, reflect with me on this narrative by John. In this text, John explains the tradition of breaking the legs of criminals. The soldiers did this before removing them from the cross to ensure the crucified could no longer push themselves up to breathe and would thus suffocate and die. But when they came to Jesus, the soldiers saw that Jesus was already dead. So they pierced him in his side to be sure, and blood and water flowed out.

Church, Jesus was not a robot. He was not just a baby. He was a man who loved us all and wanted us to experience trusting the Father in all things. That's why this verse gave me the answer I needed to demonstrate how much I love Jesus. John's gospel said, "An eyewitness has testified, and his testimony is true; he knows that he is speaking the truth, so that you also may come to believe."

Sidebar, did you say Praise the Lord? I did!

I may not have all the right words to articulate Jesus' love adequately, but John said that there was an eyewitness, someone who could account for what happened on that Good Friday. Thus, I need to be ready to give an eyewitness account of the many Good Fridays I have experienced. I know of persecution, being beaten down by loved ones, yet God sustained me, giving me hope. I need to open my mouth wide and tell my story. I have a testimony.

When no one else came to my side, the love of Jesus lifted me. Through His blood, He saved me. I was baptized in His Holy water to be priest, prophet, and king. Jesus is real! Yes, when I look back over my life, I have a testimony to share with the world. Jesus is not a robot; He is real. I feel Him in my soul. It's essential to recall the words of St. Peter, "Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence..." (1 Pt. 3:15-16).

You have a testimony. Tell the world about Jesus, tell them about his love as you go tell the world.

"They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony..." (Rev. 12:11).

Authored: Evangelist Michael P. Howard

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Evang./Prof. Michael P. Howard


7013 Woodside Dr,

Lanham-Seabrook, MD 20706


Phone: 301.785.4394

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